Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I hope all two of my blog-readers are having a fantastic, fun-filled holiday weekend. This is a piece I did for a Christmas gift. The original piece is 28 x 38, and eventually I'm going to get this printed on canvas and stretched. I've decided to start doing that with my artwork, because if you've been in my apartment you'll notice a lack of anything on my walls. Which as an artist is quite depressing. Well I'm off to bed. Got a whole bunch of present unwrapping to watch.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jayne... The man they call Jayne...

The video game class is annoying me. Who uses Director to make video games anyways? The program is completely dated. And backwards as all-get-out. I don't even know how backwards "all-get-out" is, but I assure you when I say it, I mean the most possible backwards ever.

Here's a painting.

Monday, November 16, 2009

More Zombie sketches...

There needs to be more hours in a day. I am sadly behind on coding the game, and as always the hardest part is where to start. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Just a quick character sketch for Omenwood.

I'll be a little better with the updates. I promise... Really... Don't look at me like that. I work two jobs and I'm taking a class that's kicking my butt, so at least I have a good excuse.

I've decided to go forward with the Omenwood web comic. Time to get off the sidelines and get in the game. So more on that later.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

More Zombie High screen shots

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Zombie High interiors

Here's some interior shots of my cheesy, little game. Enjoy!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Zombie High

I'm working on this Zombie game. I'm using Director right now so it's gonna be kinda lame.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sticky Note Theater #0002

Some thumbnails for a painting idea.

Sketch of the Day

I'll probably revisit this with some watercolor and acrylic.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sketch of the Day

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sketch of the Day

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sketch of the Day

Yup. I'm bringing it back...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Michigan Left... The lost strips... #0005

I drew this one when I was still living in Chicago. I just had had enough of working for a manager that was horrible at "managing". A 22-year old girl should not be running a Starbucks. So I quit Starbucks and quit Chicago. I wish I could look back at those months in Illinois with fondness, but they honestly were the worst times of my life. The ONLY thing positive I can take from that experience is... well--nevermind.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sticky Note Theater #0001

Because I get bored at work.

Light Travels...

I'm a little bit disgruntled at the moment. I just found out I'm not gonna be able to upgrade my little Mac Mini to Snow Leopard. I was one of the few unfortunates that purchased his Mac a few months before Apple made the switch to Intel. Hooray. So now I need to buy a new computer. Which will happen sometime after never.

Here's a couple pics I took with my mobile:

Listening to Au Revoir Borealis - Dark Enough For Stars

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to school...

I decided to take an Intro to Game Design class at the local community college. I wasn't even really intending to sign up for that class. It's just all the web design classes were full. I've realized for a long time that I'm lacking in some key computer program skills if I'm going to get a job at a design studio. Cuz right now I'm not that marketable. I'm kick ass in print design and illustration, but in web-based applications what I know is very elementary. So I figured I might as well get off my ass do something about my situation instead of waiting and hoping some art job will just fall in my lap. Cuz that's not how the real world works. So apparently I'm gonna learn how to make video games too.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Well as you can see. I got a new header up. The last one was somewhat rushed. It looked like this:

Yeah pretty lame.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Workspace 082009

It's a bit cluttered. What else is new?


1... 2... 3...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Here's a piece I found rummaging through my old sketchbooks. Forgot it was there. I'm not sure if I'll add to it, or leave it as is. It was an experiment in Ink and Bleach.

First Post

I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing with Blogger. I'm kinda new at this. But it seems that every artist out there these days has a portfolio site and then a blog site. So I figured I'd follow suit. After all, I am a follower.

And It's kinda nice to have a dumping ground for random sketches and photos and lame musings that all bloggers seem to possess. So here I am in all my lameness. Enjoy.