Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
In Progress...

I started out in my sketchbook. I used ink and bleach, and some gesso for the highlights. Then I scanned it in and brought it into Photoshop. From there, I started color-correcting and throwing some textures into the background. The second piece isn't the Finish, but it's where I'm at after a few hours.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Fox ink study

A quick ink and bleach sketch. Still trying to get a feel for the medium. Want to try combining this with photoshop.

I did this little piece awhile ago and completely forgot about it. I love coming across old art and giving it new life. I'm gonna play with it in Photoshop when I get the chance.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The little foxes are back...

I'm doing something with foxes again. Here's some warm-up sketches. I really need to step it up on my daily sketching.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Still no internet...
Day 4 of having no internet. I am going to stab the people that work at my internet provider. Ok, not really, cuz I'll go to jail. But I really want to. I'll have to settle for mentally stabbing them.
Here's some thumbnails of page layouts for the webcomic just to show that I am in fact writing and drawing, and not being a slacker.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I hate my internet...
The internet at my apartment has been down for the past 2 days, which is frustrating as hell because I wanted to get some sketchs up. Argh!!!
Luckily, I can use my phone to post on the blog. So here's a snippet of a script I'm working on. I found this mostly-free program called Scrivener. Think of it as the poor man's Final Draft. I can't complain. It gets the job done. Anyways, I've been playing with this story in my head for years, and I'm finally gonna do something about it. I think fear kinda held me back on telling it. Fear it'll suck and not connect with anyone. But it's one of those things I HAVE to get out there to masses. Or at least for my own sanity. I'll keep you updated on a premiere date once I have some art done. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Remember me?

This is a sketch from September. I thought I'd come back to it. Add some paint. I may go back into it with Photoshop, but for now it stands as is.
One of my New Years resolutions (and I know I'm jinxing it by saying it) is to get back into a daily drawing ritual. So, there should be lots more posts. Stay tuned...