Thursday, April 22, 2010
Website Teaser...
Teaser for my new website. Hopefully, it will go live in 2 weeks. It's made entirely in FLASH, which was common practice a few years ago, before CSS. I haven't learned CSS yet, but I'm taking a class next semester to hopefully remedy that situation.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Bethlehem1 work in progress...
This is a new series I'm working on, when I have the free time. When I'm not working on the website. Sorry there haven't been any posts in awhile. What with working 60 hours a week, and taking this Flash class, I barely have time to work on any outside projects. This one is coming along, but it still needs something more.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Well, believe it or not I'm miles from being done. And the animation is doing something funky at the beginning. Not sure how to fix that. Anyways, it's very basic. But, hey! I'm still new at this.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Fox front view
This is the front view of my character. I will be attempting to animate this. It will probably suck. Be forewarned.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Fox warm-ups...
Here's some warm-up sketches for my fox animation. Not the greatest, but that's why they're warm-ups.
Valentine's Day
I'm not really a fan of Valentine's Day. I don't like holidays that capitalize on... well capitalism. It just seems stupid to have a day that's sole purpose is to tell our significant other we love them through the purchase of flowers and chocolates. So does that mean that I don't have to tell my girlfriend that I love her the rest of the 364 days of the year? I just think I should be telling her that by what I do EVERY day. I don't need an effing holiday to tell me to do that. Thanks Hallmark!
Ha! Sorry to get ranty. My main reason for the pic above, is that I love drawing on found objects, to change their message. Especially, Starbucks stuff, because they ALWAYS have a message. They can't NOT have a message. So, I always enjoy turning their message on its head. It brings a little stability in my world to see both sides.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Fox storyboard...
Sorry for the lack of posts. I'm taking a Flash class at the moment, so that's been taking up most of my time at the moment. Anyways, the animation I'm working on has foxes in it. Big surprise.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
In Progress...
I started out in my sketchbook. I used ink and bleach, and some gesso for the highlights. Then I scanned it in and brought it into Photoshop. From there, I started color-correcting and throwing some textures into the background. The second piece isn't the Finish, but it's where I'm at after a few hours.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Fox ink study
A quick ink and bleach sketch. Still trying to get a feel for the medium. Want to try combining this with photoshop.
I did this little piece awhile ago and completely forgot about it. I love coming across old art and giving it new life. I'm gonna play with it in Photoshop when I get the chance.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
The little foxes are back...
I'm doing something with foxes again. Here's some warm-up sketches. I really need to step it up on my daily sketching.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Still no internet...
Day 4 of having no internet. I am going to stab the people that work at my internet provider. Ok, not really, cuz I'll go to jail. But I really want to. I'll have to settle for mentally stabbing them.
Here's some thumbnails of page layouts for the webcomic just to show that I am in fact writing and drawing, and not being a slacker.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I hate my internet...
The internet at my apartment has been down for the past 2 days, which is frustrating as hell because I wanted to get some sketchs up. Argh!!!
Luckily, I can use my phone to post on the blog. So here's a snippet of a script I'm working on. I found this mostly-free program called Scrivener. Think of it as the poor man's Final Draft. I can't complain. It gets the job done. Anyways, I've been playing with this story in my head for years, and I'm finally gonna do something about it. I think fear kinda held me back on telling it. Fear it'll suck and not connect with anyone. But it's one of those things I HAVE to get out there to masses. Or at least for my own sanity. I'll keep you updated on a premiere date once I have some art done. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Remember me?
This is a sketch from September. I thought I'd come back to it. Add some paint. I may go back into it with Photoshop, but for now it stands as is.
One of my New Years resolutions (and I know I'm jinxing it by saying it) is to get back into a daily drawing ritual. So, there should be lots more posts. Stay tuned...